Secured Saver Loan

Save as you borrow

Secured Saver Loan – the alternative to withdrawing your savings.

A loan that allows you to borrow a lump sum whilst keeping your savings intact.   Members can borrow between £1501 – £7500 to the value of their savings, over a maximum of 60 months.  4.9% APR

To apply for a Secured Saver Loan you must –

  • Be a member of FAIRshare Credit Union
  • Be 18 years of age or over
  • Have more than £1501 in your FAIRshare account
  • Agree to lock your savings (to the value of your outstanding loan balance) whilst repaying your loan

Quick & easy to apply

Apply online now for a quick decision or complete an application form & return to FAIRshare.
Processing time will vary depending on demand, but we aim to have made a decision within four working days of receiving all supporting paperwork.

Saving as you borrow

We encourage you to save as you borrow, so you’ll continue to grow your savings whilst repaying your loan.  £5 a week or £20 a month is the recommended minimum.

How much will it cost?

With a FAIRshare loan, we work with you to ensure your weekly or monthly repayments are affordable and suit your budget.  The longer the repayment period, the smaller the repayments, but the more interest you will repay overall.  Below are 2 examples, or visit the Loan Calculator for more options –

Borrow £2500 over 35 months

£76.70 a month loan repayment
+ £20 a month savings
Total £96.70 a month
Total cost of credit £2684.49
Total savings after 35 months £700

Borrow £4500 over 39 months

£124.86 a month loan repayment
+ £20 a month savings
Total £144.86 a month
Total cost of credit £4869.85
Total savings after 39 months £780

Representative Example –

Borrowing £3500 over 156 weeks will cost £24.09 a week + £5 a week savings – £29.09 including savings.  Total amount repayable is £3758.88 which includes interest at 4.9% APR (0.4% per month).  Rate of Interest for comparison 2.5%.  Total savings £780 after 156 weeks.

Additional Borrowing

You can apply to Top Up your FAIRshare Secured Saver loan to the value of your savings after you have made at least 6 months’ regular repayments to your existing loan.  Any outstanding loan balance will be taken into consideration when assessing your application. Click here to apply to Top Up your Loan.

Terms & Conditions

FAIRshare’s standard Terms Conditions apply to this loan.

FAIRshare is your credit union and we are here to support you. Our friendly customer service are always here to help you so please do contact us if you have any queries. You can also do this through Members’ Access Secure Messaging,


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