Paying In Money

Easy money management with FAIRshare

There are a number of easy options for paying in money into your FAIRshare account.  We ask all our members to save regularly, from just £1 a week.  The easiest way to do this is to set up a payment or transfer to your FAIRshare account, so you are paying in money on a regular basis.  Make this regular payment a manageable amount that you can afford to ‘save’ – remember you can always make extra payments whenever you wish!

What details will I need when paying in money to my FAIRshare account?

When paying in money into your FAIRshare account you will need the following:

  • FAIRshare’s bank account details (sort code & account number). If you can’t find these please call Member Services on 01952 200200.
  • Your FAIRshare membership number & surname. It is important to quote your FAIRshare membership number & surname as the payment reference, so the money can be deposited into your account.

Easy options for Paying In Money into your FAIRshare Account

By Standing Order

Set up a regular standing order from your bank or building society, asking your bank to transfer a regular amount to your FAIRshare account.  To do this, you’ll need FAIRshare’s bank account details and it is also very important to quote your FAIRshare membership number & surname as the reference.  Please contact FAIRshare or call 01952 200200 and we will confirm FAIRshare’s bank details.  If your bank offers Online Banking, you may be able to set up a standing order online – please call us on 01952 200200 to get FAIRshare’s bank account number & sort code.  For security, we don’t publish these details on this website.

By Bank Transfer

bank transfer is when money is sent from one bank account to another. Depending on your bank, you may be able to request a bank transfer online, by telephone or using an App.  Whichever way you choose to transfer money, you will need FAIRshare’s bank account details and it is also very important to quote your FAIRshare membership number & surname as the payment reference.

By Payroll Saving

Payroll saving is making regular savings directly from your salary.  Your employer deducts the amount you wish to save direct from your wages via the payroll, and transfers this to your FAIRshare savings account.  We’re proud to work with a number of employers , who offer Payroll Saving as a benefit to their staff.  Saving direct from your salary is easy and hassle free – you can save as little or as much as you wish.  There is no cost to you and your employer has no access to your account, balances or details.

Click here to see if your employer offers payroll saving.  To start paying in money into your FAIRshare account by payroll saving, complete a Payroll Saving Deduction Order form and return it to FAIRshare.  You can print this form by clicking here or call us on 01952 200200 and we’ll post a form to you.

By Benefit Payments

You can arrange to have your benefit payments paid directly into your FAIRshare account.  To arrange this, you’ll need to call your Benefits Team.  They will need FAIRshare’s bank account details (sort code & account number), so call FAIRshare on 01952 200200 for these details before contacting your benefits provider. Please let us know that you are arranging for your benefits to be paid into your FAIRshare account.  We’ll need your National Insurance number and your benefits reference so the money can be deposited into your account.

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