Online Member Access

Register for Online Member Access to manage your FAIRshare account 24/7.  

Once registered & activated you can access the following services –

  • Balances of Savings & Loans
  • Internal Transfers between your FAIRshare accounts*
  • Withdrawals – from FAIRshare to your bank*
  • Secure Messaging about your FAIRshare account*
  • Statements to view and print

How do I register?

Select the Members Only Access Button at the top right-hand corner of the FAIRshare webpage:

On the Members Only Access page you select Register in the top menu.

You will need your membership number to register. (If you can’t remember this, please contact us and we will confirm it to you).

Complete the short registration form. You will receive an activation code by Email and mobile phone.

Congratulations! You can now activate your account…

Select Activate on the menu of the Members Access webpage and complete the details to activate.

You will receive your unique four digit pin number and can use this with your membership number to login to Online Members Access at the top of the page.

Please keep the details you register secure & safe, as you will need them each time you log in to access your account.

Once registered & activated you can access the following services whenever you wish.

If you have any problems in completing the registration process, please contact us on 01952 200200.

Please keep the details you register secure and safe. You will need them each time you log in to access your account.

We look forward to you using the Members’ Access area, and would welcome feedback on the registration process to